History of Ranglong N.T Bible

A Short History of Ranglong New Testament

By- Late Rev. Simlalchuang

Ever since the Ranglongs embraced Christianity, efforts have been made to translate the Bible. We have almost reached the 50th year of our acceptance of Christianity. But the Bible, our life’s

transformer and the root of our soul, is not yet available to us in the vernacular. In 1960 “Marka Isui Khobborssa” (The Gospel of St. Mark) was published by The Bible Society of India and Ceylon in Chorei dialect. This script used in the translation, however, was the Devanagiri Bengali. The earliest Ranglong Christians made use of the Bible written in Mizo, Bengali and English. But the profound Word of God, made available to us in foreign dialect, failed to have its desired effect. We are a minority even amongst the minority and illiteracy largely predominate us. And on account of this our insignificant population and illiteracy, different missions and organizations tend to overlook our need. But without disheartenment, we kept praying. We were not ashamed of our dialect since it is a gift to us from God’s hand. God hearkened to our prayer.

On February 21, 1987, Mr. Ditluoring received a letter from Bro. Gobin Singh,, the coordinator of Bibles International, informing him about a certain Bible Translation Workshop to be held from March 30th to April 16, 1987 at  Deodars Spiritual Life Centre, Mussoorie, U.P. Accordingly , Mr. Ditluamoni,, B.A., and Rev. Simlalchuang, B.Th. left for Mussoorie in the morning of March 26, 1987. They reached their destination safe and sound on the 29th of March at 6 A.M. The much anticipated workshop began promptly as scheduled on the 30th of March. The primary focus was on the New Testament and the letter of St. James was the first to be translated.

From 1990, Rev. Simlalchuang, who was deputed as the chief translator, received financial support (partly) from Bibles International for him to fully focus on the task of translation. Along with the work of translation, efforts were made to impart basic literacy to the Ranglong folk to enable them to read the Bible and Hymn books. The effort paid off when a primer entitled “Ranglong Horop Anchuna” (Learning the Ranglong Alphabets) was released in March, 1992. This was quickly followed by the 1994 publication and release of “Johan Ei Maziak Thang Ahui” ( The Gospel of St. John) which was intended to serve as teaser prior to the release of the complete New Testament.

It is worthy of mention that the translation of the New Testament was a Ten year project. But due to the ill health and misfortune of the chief translator, and overall inefficiency of the committee, within the stipulated time which resulted in the completion only on the 2nd of February 2003. However the Almighty God destines everything to fall into place at the exact time and place, and so with His blessings and the significant help and encouragement of Bibles International, the Ranglongs now have the blessing and pride of their own Bible (The New Testament). Praise be to the Almighty!


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